Comping Tips

If your serious about wanting win free prizes here are some valuable comping tips which will help you not only enter more competitions a lot easier but will also help increase your chances of winning more prizes and also avoid some of the downsides of entering some online free competitions.

Comping Tips for before you get started entering online competitions

Protect yourself from spam and viruses

As most of the free competitions to enter are online it’s important you protect yourself from any websites that are spammy. All the competitions on this website are through all different businesses and although we try to check each one sometimes it’s unavoidable that you might get a spammy one here and there. So in order to protect yourself, it’s important you have antivirus software on your computer to avoid any viruses. There are many free versions available such as Avast.

Create a new email account just for entering competitions

It’s also a wise idea to create a new separate email account just for entering competitions. As many online free competitions request an email address in order to be entered and afterward sometimes you can get bombarded with emails that clog up your personal or professional email accounts with spam which can be annoying. So this way it saves you all that frustration. Just remember to always check that email account regularly to see if you’ve actually won any competitions as you don’t want to miss out on any prizes you have won. In a lot of competitions, we host we send an email to notify the winners and you would be surprised at how many people don’t respond and claim the prizes. So make sure you check! Most UK free competitions require you to reply back to them by email for verification so this is very important to do. Also, it is important to check your spam folder on a regular basis as you might have received a winning email notification but it’s been allocated to your junk mail. Don’t miss out on prizes!

Get a new free SIM Card to use as the phone number if a phone number is required to enter.

Sometimes UK online competitions require you to enter your phone number in order to be entered. This is so they can notify the winner, however, what this also means is that you might get bombarded with telemarketing calls afterwards which no one wants. So in order to avoid this frustration we recommend you get a new separate SIM Card for your phone just for competitions. This way you can just check the voicemails once a week to see if you have won anything.

To help make this easier for you we have a link where you can get a free UK GiffGaff Pay as you go SIM card sent to your house and when you activate it you will receive £5 free credit as well which means it will cost you no money to do this. If your phone is locked to your provider which isn’t GiffGaff then usually you can buy a cheap pay-as-you-go SIM from local supermarkets.

Tips on entering more competitions more quickly and stress-free

If you don’t know already, the secret to successful comping is entering as many free competitions as you possibly can. As the more, you enter the more chances you have of winning more prizes. The problem with this is that it can be time-consuming as nearly every competition you enter usually requires you to fill in your information which can take some time. So something we love is RoboForm.

Roboform is a free safe internet application download where you can sign up for a free account. You enter your information such as your name, phone number, and address, etc just once in your file, and then it can automatically fill in any form you do online automatically in the future, so it saves you from having to type out the same info again and again for different competitions. It makes entering competitions soooo much easier and so much less stressful so you can enter a lot more competitions in a shorter space of time.

Tips on increasing your chances of winning competitions

Tip 1.

So many people enter all competitions and the more people who enter a competition the less chance you have of you winning, so a way to increase your chances of being the lucky winner is to pick competitions that others might not enter as much. We found that some competitions that ask for more information or require you to do more fewer people enter them simply because they don’t have the time. So this is an awesome opportunity as not many people enter them so you have a higher chance of winning the prize!

Tip 2.

If a competition asks you to write something such as why you think you should win it’s definitely worth going into extra detail to really stand out from the crowd and also say how much you would really appreciate it. A little nice bit of appreciation can go a long way and make you stand out from the crowd. For instance, when entering Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Competitions it’s always advisable to leave a nice comment with lots of emojis, compliments and also tag others in it, as the businesses that hold them will notice this and appreciate it so it means they are more likely going to pick you as the winner. Also like and comment on other posts they have on their socials, it will definitely make you stand out from the crowd and it will be easier for them to pick a winnner.

Tip 3.

You will have more chances of winning competitions the more you enter. It really is a numbers game. When you see successful compers who win lots of prizes they usually enter free competitions a few hours each day entering anything from 100-200 daily.   But where do you find all these comps daily you ask? Well, as well as this website and our other website ( there are many online competition websites as well as social media competitions, tv competitions, magazine competitions, radio competitions and also businesses who have competitions. We recommend joining some Facebook comping groups and pages. There are many to choose from. Just enter free competitions into the Facebook search bar and many groups and pages come up. This is also a great way to make some new comping friends and also helps you find more competitions. Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest also have similar pages and groups to join.

Tip 4.

It’s proven that people who have a more positive outlook seem to win more prizes. So don’t get disheartened if you don’t win, enter lots of competitions consistently and keep the faith that you might win!. As they say, think like a winner and you’ll be one!

If you need some help in this area we recommend doing some affirmations and trying a bit of manifesting techniques and reading up on the law of attraction. Its interesting and can help you in many areas of your life including luck!

More info on manifesting

Free affirmation Mp3’s

Click here for more help on the law of attraction and affirmations

Tip 5.

Sign up to our newsletter for more comping tips.

Tip 6.

Make sure you read all competition instructions carefully on how to enter and follow all the steps exactly. You would be surprised at how many people don’t follow all the required steps to enter competitions and miss out on being entered. For example a lot of the competitions we host on social media we request people to like our page, share the post, and comment and there are so many people who might do 1 of the 3 steps or 2 of the 3 steps but don’t do all 3 and we don’t class that as someone entering as it is easy for businesses hosting competitions on social media to monitor who has done all the steps and who hasn’t. So make sure you read the instructions for each competition!

Tip 7.

There are some competitions out there that give you extra chances of winning by spreading the word. For example, they provide links for you to share and ask you to share the competition for extra entries. If you find one of these competitions it is definitely recommended that you go the extra mile, as competition holders do monitor this and are more likely to pick winners based on how much effort you have made to enter.

Tip 8.

Find friends on social media who also love comping and entering free competitions.  This makes comping more enjoyable and can keep you motivated. It also helps if you need to tag people in competitions to enter.

Tip 9.

Enter free competitions on a regular basis. A lot of people just enter a competition here and there and just hope for the best but the successful compers out there who are winning lots of prizes regularly are entering competitions daily and they are entering lots of them. The more effort you put into entering competitions the more you get back!

Good luck and inspiration also have a massive element to play in winning but just remember it is possible you just have to persevere and have fun with it. Just watch the YouTube video below. This grandma loves comping and does it as a hobby and has won a ridiculous amount of prizes so it can happen. We wish you all the best of luck out there and hope you win lots of prizes!

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If you have some comping tips that haven’t been mentioned that you think could help our compers please either leave a comment below at the bottom of the page with your suggestion or email us and let us know and we will add them to the website. The more comping tips the better!



2 Responses

  1. Wendy says:

    Thanking you for the above advice. I began comping just got two weeks a go as I answered an email from a clairvoyant offering a free reading. He answered with a every detailed email and even a video (,as did umpteen other) telling me in a few weeks I was destined to become very lucky in luck ,love and financially over the next few weeks. This is the reason I have a new hobby.

  2. Admin says:

    Hi Wendy, That sounds like an exciting start to your new hobby! Comping can be a lot of fun and rewarding too, so we wish you the best of luck in your endeavors. May your newfound hobby bring you the luck,and financial gains predicted! If you need any more advice or tips, feel free to ask.

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